Friday, April 4, 2014

Stylebook & Purchases

Dress: Oojia Misty Sky replica
Beret: Unknown
Tights: F21
Shoes: Oxfords from Urban

Went to a friend's play awhile ago!
Haven't had much time to update my blog with my outfits and such.
Been very busy with work or whatever c:
A recent purchase, I got the dress + hamburger crop top + socks and glasses from Buffulo exchange, and the bunny pin and black hair bow from Fairytale boutique.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Dress, Sweater: F21
Shoes: Urban

Just a work outfit!
Sorry for the short commentary guys! I've just been busy!

Short Post! More doodles!

Stylebook & doodles

Dress: Thrifted
Shirt: F21
Jacket: Vintage
Purse: unknown
Stockings: Leg ave
Shoes: Urban  

Sorry guys! I've been totally behind on posts, mostly because I've been working, and I've been really trying to spend "less" time on the computer. (Quotes because I'm awful at it.)

Plus I've been a bit addicted to GTA V...

Anyway, figured I'd share some of my recent art stuff with you!
Small random sketch

Lil sheepie doodle.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Outfit & Art

Purse: Vintage
Everything else: F21

It's been so rainy lately! I've been loving it! My favorite weather has always been the rain mostly because it sounds so soothing to me when I'm working or sleeping. We don't get rain too often in Cali, so it's a pretty exciting thing haha!

"whoa! it's too pretty to catch.."

I also did a little bit of art today, deciding to draw one of my favorite characters i've made up, named Olive, or Oli for short. I drew her as an animal crossing character!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Disneyland (Yes, it's only been two days) with my sis & momma


Dress: Offbrand
Jacket: Vintage
Necklace: F21
Shoes: TUK

So my family hasn't been to Disneyland in around 3 years, so my boyfriend was sweet enough to sign my mom, sister and I all into to park for some fun! This outfit was my original idea of what I wanted to wear today, but after checking the weather and realizing it's going to be cold as butts, I decided to change it up a bit.

So since it was going to be chilly, I put a cropped black sweater over the floral dress, paired it with some simple black tights and added my lil mickey ears, with my huge willy wonka glasses.

Skipper Alex posing with a poster of his beloved jungle cruise.

As you can tell, he loves his job a little too much.

Although it was chilly, we still enjoyed it. My little sister was absolutely ecstatic about today, so we pretty much let her take lead of what to ride. Out of all the rides we road today, I think her favorite had to be Radiator Spring's Racers, for obvious reasons.

"I think I just wet myself."

Radiator Springs is one of my favorites as well, mostly because it's new, smooth and has tons of charm. I haven't even seen the movie, Cars, and I still love it!

"Ohhh, you."

We also went on Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, (duh.) Indy, Pirates, and pretty much all the classic favorites. It was a really nice day to go too, only 25 minute lines tops.

"You like your new Minnie ears Alex?" Alex: "...." "He likes them."

Hello everyone. I am the new disney princess, Salmonella.

I really enjoyed going to Disneyland with my sister and mom, it really reminded me when I used to go with my family all the time when I was a kid, totally gave me the warm fuzzies all day. 
I wish my dad could have gone too, but Alex can only sign in so many people at a time.

Thanks for reading guys!

Dapper Day 2014 Video!

Yep! I was able to finish it!
Hope you enjoy it, and if you do, feel free to subscribe for more videos! 
Thank you dolls!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dapper Day 2014

Dress: Heart of Haute
Cardigan: Sourpuss
Everything else: offbrand

So this sunday was Dapper Day at Disneyland and I finally was able to go! I was beyond estatic about seeing everyone in their dapper attire! My boyfriend took my friend, Dina and I to go hang around the park. I had soooo much fun! I also got tons and tons of footage for a Dapper Day video I'm in the process of making. 

Dina decided to wear a 20s-30esque dress, along with a pair of adorable knit gloves, and simple pearls.

The entire time I was beyond surprised at how many people actually participated in Dapper Day! Vast majority of everyone was dressed in their best attire! I loved to see everyone's own definition of what dapper meant to them. (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

"hmm..... i'm kinda hungry.."

Hahaha! Me screaming internally. (AW DINA IS CUTE)

Dina, me and Alex, chilling with our new ride **

We hung out at disney for a good majority of the day, we went on Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Star Tours, and a couple other really fun classic rides. In the afternoon, we decided to mosey on over to California Adventure to check out the new entrance. It's all very old hollywood and really neat.

"Now make a silly faaace!" me: "I don't remember how!"

Alex and his kewt lil bowtie omg I probably straightened it for him like 12 times.

All in all, I had a beyond awesome day, filled with lots of vintage fashion, and constantly thinking over and over "oh my glob, where did she get that?!"

( p.s love you Alex, thank you so much for taking meee!)
also, stay tuned for my dapper day video! It's gonna be sweet!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

mini golf date & new furniture

Dress: leif my tart jsk
Blouse: thrifted
Cardigan: sourpuss
Purse: thrifted
Shoes: bodyline

Alex and I decided to go have a mini date and play mini golf! We had so much fun, and the weather was really nice too. Unfortunately, my eyes were feeling crazy sensitive today, so I had to wear my glasses.

ahhhh he's so cuuuuteeee!

I almost beat him! My par was literally 2 more than him!

"Aleeeeeeeexxx! Can I have a redooooooo???"

Alex was sweet enough to allow me a couple redos, as I am a poor sport.
We had so much fun! Alex actually ended up getting... I think 2 hole in ones!

my cute lil kitty stockings! Meow!

Also, the past couple days I have been MIA because we have been moving in all my new white furniture from my room! I'm so excited! We painted it a very grey blue color. It's almost pastel. 

Alfie wanted to take a nap on my new bed

I just gotta save for a new bedspread, curtains, lamp, and some framed art work.
At least the most expensive part has been covered. Phew!

Some art I have been considering maybe putting up one of Camilla Derrico's prints and framing it.
I've always loved her art, and I've gone to her booth at anime expo for the past couple years, and still have yet to meet her! Hopefully next year. c:

it has so much emotion to it, gorgeous.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dolly Kei Inspiration

No outfit post tonight, I got ready in too much of a rush today. I just wore whatever I could find. ┐(‘~`;)┌ Today I'm just going to post a bit outfit inspiration!

When it comes to Japanese fashion, I've always been heavily into lolita fashion, but lately I've really wanted to broaden my horizons by experimenting with different styles.

One of those is definitely Dolly kei.

Love it, A line skirt with a cute little belt and little flares of red in there. Adorable.

I find the style very endearing and something that is a little less 'out there' when it comes to Japanese fashion.

Printed grimoire tights, peter pan blouse, houndstooth skirt with black and white saddle heels <3

Here are some other pictures of this style that I found really inspiring:

Lots of vintage flair in this one

More casual takes of the style.

Loving the socks and heels together! Very funky and cute!

I think what I love most about this style is it's accessibility to the united states. Most of the items from Grimoire are imported from the usa. I believe I might try and create an outfit inspired by this style in the next couple days.